Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thing #11. Tagging and

I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate (which I can now access simply at now!) This has been a time saver as I have been traveling all over the state and using many different computers to access various websites this summer.
I appreciate being able to make the decision of whether or not to share certain links - this allows me to have all of my private links in one place as well, and I do not mind logging on to use those. I've even used the network links to share some great websites with my colleagues who also use delicious.
I will be able to use this so efficiently between my home and school computers this coming school year - how did I ever live without this tool? I only have to remember ONE web address - my delicious username.
I can see so many uses for this tool in research assistance - I use it to search through my own websites. Imagine the ease of use this would provide for someone looking for great websites to utilize on any given topic. Perhaps this could even be used in conjunction with a wiki - others can contribute websites they have found to be useful on a given topic, but that does happen, to an extent, on the delicious site, where you can search others' bookmarks by tag. But to have good solid resources tagged by reference librarians - that would most definitely be a wonderful use of this tool.

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